Press Releases

TrustQuay signs technology agreement with Equity Trustees

Written by Robert Browning | Jul 18, 2022 7:30:00 AM

TrustQuay, the leading technology provider to the corporate services, trust and fund administration markets, has today announced it has signed a technology agreement with Equity Trustees, Australia’s leading specialist independent trustee company.

Under the deal, Equity Trustees will centralise its Trustee and Wealth Services (TWS) business – which includes charitable and community trusts, and executor and trustee services for individuals and families – onto NavOne to provide a fully integrated technology solution across its Australian offices.

 Equity Trustees will also adopt TrustQuay Portal which will digitalise the end-client experience and allow its TWS clients to access information on their trusts, funds and services from anywhere, anytime and on any device.

Ian Westley, Executive General Manager, Trustee and Wealth Services at Equity Trustees, comments: “Partnering with TrustQuay will allow us to bring all services in this division of our personal fiduciary business onto a single centralised system to support our growth.

“We are also excited about implementing TrustQuay front-to-back-office platform including their client Portal which will significantly improve the ability of clients to engage with us where and when they choose with complete access to their information in a controlled and secure way.”

Keith Hale, former CEO, comments: “We are delighted to work with Equity Trustees, one of the oldest and largest trustee companies in Australia. We look forward to collaborating closely with them to further automate their TWS business and digitalise interaction with their clients and beneficiaries.

"Equity Trustees is showing great leadership in the industry with the investment in the digital transformation of their business.”