Press Releases

TrustQuay signs technology deal with LGL Group

Written by Robert Browning | Jun 22, 2020 8:00:00 AM

TrustQuay, the leading technology provider to the corporate services, trust and fund administration markets, has today announced the signing of an agreement with LGL Group to migrate its business onto the NavOne system.

LGL Group is an independent provider of corporate administration, financial reporting, funds and family office solutions. Headquartered in Jersey, LGL has offices in Luxembourg and London.

Following a competitive selection process, the new agreement will see LGL centralise all its business onto NavOne, to provide a single, fully integrated global technology solution across Jersey, London and Luxembourg for their fiduciary and funds clients. Furthermore, LGL will benefit from NavOne’s roadmap, supporting the company growth particularly as the industry digitalisation gains momentum.

We were impressed by the experience and future plans of the TrustQuay team

Zena Couppey, Group Chief Commercial Officer at LGL Group, comments: "During the selection process, we were impressed by the experience and future plans of the TrustQuay team and the ability of NavOne to bring together our funds with the rest of our fiduciary business onto a single centralised system across our multi-jurisdictional platform."

Robert Browning, COO of TrustQuay, comments: "We are delighted to sign our first agreement under the TrustQuay brand by partnering with LGL Group and supporting them to achieve their growth ambitions. Our product roadmap is based on keeping pace with the evolving needs of clients like LGL, by meeting their regulatory, jurisdictional and digitalisation demands. We look forward to collaborating closely with LGL on our shared vision for the industry."